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4 Beginner Gardening Mistakes to Avoid

Bunch of carrots on the ground.

How to Save Seeds from Your Garden for Next Year

Seed packets on a table with seeds spilling out.

How to Save Seeds from Carrots, Beets, and Other Biennial Plants

Carrots and beets on a table.

How to Prevent Cross-Pollination for Seed Saving

Close-up of a bee sitting on a yellow tomato flower.

The Best Online Sources for Heirloom Seeds

Dried bean pods and crimson bean seeds scattered on a cutting board.

How to Choose the Right Seeds for Your Garden

Row of seeds being planted in garden soil.

The Best Heirloom Vegetable Varieties for a Backyard Garden

Collage of different heirloom vegetables including Yellow Pear tomatoes, Dwarf Gray Sugar pea blossoms, Large Red tomato, Danvers Half Long carrot, Delicata squash, Jacob's Cattle dried beans, Scarlet Runner bean blossoms, Irish Cobbler potatoes, Tennis Ball lettuce, Trophy tomato, Cherokee Trail of Tears dried beans, and Champion of England peas with text that says "The Best Heirloom Vegetable Varieties for a Backyard Garden."

Saving Seeds from Peas and Beans for Next Year

Pink and magenta blossom on pea plant with green leaves and the text "saving seeds from peas and beans."

How to Save Your Own Seed Potatoes for Next Year

Potatoes of different sizes and shades of tan and red spread out on a table with a text overlay that says "How to Save Your Own Seed Potatoes for Next Year."

Raised Bed vs. In-Ground Gardens: Pros and Cons

Three raised garden beds on the left with green plants growing in them, and an in-ground garden plot on the right side with plants growing and a text overlay that says "Raised Bed vs. In-Ground Gardens: Pros and Cons."

My Big Mistake with Using Chicken Manure in My Garden

Picture of squash plant on the left and picture of a black and white striped chicken on the right with text overlay "My Big Mistake with Using Chicken Manure In My Garden."

Does Gardening Actually Save You Money?

Ripe red tomato growing on the vine.

Tips for Deciding How Much to Plant Per Person In Your Garden

Basket full of many different kinds of fresh summer vegetables.

10 Tips for Saving Money on Gardening

Tomatoes, peas, carrots, radishes, and beets in a box and bowl and on the ground with a spade in the dirt next to them.

Can You Grow Tomatoes in Partial Sun?

Ripe red tomato growing on the vine.

Using Leaves As Mulch In Your Garden

Pea plants growing up a homemade trellis with shredded leaves around them on the ground as a mulch with a text overlay that says "Using Leaves As Mulch In Your Garden."

Garden Planning for a Bigger Harvest

Close up of peas growing in a garden.

How to Start a Compost Pile for Your Garden

Wooden bin with vegetable scraps.

Why and How to Dry Your Own Herbs

Bundles of herbs drying.

How to Grow Your Own Saffron

Saffron threads in bowl and on table.

Perennials That Make Good Cut Flowers

Collage of bouquets with pink, yellow, and purple flowers, including: peonies, phlox, yarrow, black-eyed Susans, salvia, tickseed, lilacs, and hosta flowers.

Easy and Cheap DIY Cover to Protect Lettuce from Pests

Lettuce and arugula patch covered with netting draped over sticks and secured in place with rocks on the left side of the image and lettuce plants and arugula plants growing in soil on the right side of the image with a text overlay that reads "Easy and Cheap DIY Cover to Protect Lettuce from Pests."

8 Steps to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

Rake with autumn leaves.

Simple and Cheap Grow Light System for Starting Seeds Indoors

Seedlings in pots under the glow of grow lights.

7 Reasons Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

Hands holding a cluster of ripe red grape tomatoes on the vine.


Why You Should Try Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Assorted seed packets scattered around.


Planting By the Moon Signs

Full moon in the night sky with moonlit clouds.


Simple and Cheap DIY Garden Trellis

Homemade trellis and peas growing up it.

How to Store Vegetables for Winter

Orange and tan winter squashes on burlap.

4 Tips for a Better Beginner Garden

Hands holding a bunch of radishes.


How to Keep Insects and Animals Out of Your Garden Naturally


Tips for Growing Fruit in Containers

Small fruit tree growing in pot.

Growing Herbs Indoors from Seeds

Pots of herbs on a windowsill.

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