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Over 30 Sourdough Recipes to Make with a Sourdough Starter

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Collage of recipes made with a sourdough starter such as breads, donuts, and waffles.

If you've ever made your own sourdough starter from wild yeast for making homemade sourdough bread you've probably found yourself wondering what else you can use it for besides just bread. And if you've been maintaining a sourdough starter for any length of time, then you know that it can multiply pretty quickly when you feed it and you can end up with a lot of extra.  But rather than just throwing away the extra sourdough starter, it's nice to be able to use it to bake with, so I decided to gather up a big list of ideas for sourdough recipes to make with a sourdough starter. 

These recipes all use homemade wild yeast for a sourdough flavor and for a rising agent. Some of the recipes use only sourdough yeast with no other types of yeast or rising agents like baking powder and soda and they are slowly fermented overnight. Some of the recipes use a mix of sourdough yeast and regular store bought yeast to give the sourdough flavor and to help give the dough a better rise. And a couple of the recipes use the sourdough starter mostly for the flavor and use primarily other rising agents. I've tried to indicate how the sourdough starter is used for each of the recipes listed below. 

This list has a little bit of everything, including breakfast items like waffles and donuts, several different bread options, and other baked goods like rolls. There are also a couple of recipes for making different types of sourdough starters like rye and gluten free ones, too. 

So if you're like me and you've ever found yourself wondering what to make with your homemade sourdough starter, here's a list of over 30 different recipes to make with your sourdough starter: 

Over 30 Sourdough Recipes to Make with a Sourdough Starter

If you love sourdough baking, and you're looking for more recipes to try, here are some great ideas for recipes that you can make with a sourdough starter.

Breakfast Recipes

Here are some great sourdough breakfast recipes to try:

Bread Recipes

Bread is what we often think of when we think of sourdough baking. Here are some great sourdough bread recipes to try:

Other Sourdough Baked Goods

These non-bread baked goods are made with sourdough yeast.

Other Sourdough Recipes

These other sourdough recipes include a drink made with a sourdough culture and recipes for how to make your own sourdough starters.

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Collage of recipes made with a sourdough starter such as breads, donuts, and waffles.
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alice kimmerer

Tuesday 27th of September 2022

I had a starter given to me many years ago. It was for making Tea biscuits', I would use 2 cups of starter and add sugar, oil, bk.soda,bk pwd, flour. Then I would add milk, flour and sugar to starter and I could use it again next day. It got ruined and I would like to start another one. any ideas.

Lori Elliott

Tuesday 27th of September 2022

That sounds a lot like the starter for "friendship bread" that I remember being passed around years ago. It might not be exactly the same, and I'm afraid that I don't remember much about the "friendship bread" because I was just a child at the time and my mother was the one who had the recipe and did most of the work with the starter. The only sourdough starter that I use is one with just flour and water with no milk or sugar added to the starter. But if you searched online for "friendship bread" you might be able to find a recipe similar to the one you are remembering.

Adriana Esposito

Thursday 23rd of April 2020

Hello, didn't see a pizza crust recipe using your Sourdough recipe? As my family loves pizza and It will be my first time making a starter with your recipe for sourdough. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Its real important to my family that I go ahead to give it a try as these are hard times for now.. Wish me luck.


Lori Elliott

Friday 24th of April 2020

Hi Adriana, I don't usually use sourdough for making pizza crust, but I did find this recipe that looks like it might be a good one.

Usually I use regular store bought yeast for pizza crust, but since stores are running out of yeast right now I think I'll probably be giving sourdough pizza crust a try too at some point. The recipe I linked to is one that looks pretty simple and it comes from someone who used to make pizza professionally. (And you could probably substitute regular sugar for the coconut sugar that the recipe suggests if you don't have that on hand too.)

I hope your sourdough starter goes well for you! :)

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