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Top 10 Posts of 2013 and Looking Ahead to 2014

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Top 10 Posts of 2013

I always enjoy looking back on the past year, seeing what goals I accomplished, and planning new goals for the new year.

I also enjoy seeing which posts were the most popular ones for the year because it gives me an idea of what sort of things people are the most interested in and what sort of topics resonate with them.

These were the top 10 most-viewed posts for Our Heritage of Health from this past year:

1) Chocolate "Superfood" Frosting

2) Victorian Shampoo Alternatives

3) Five Foods to Fight a Cold Without Medicine

4) Depression Era Dark Chocolate Cake

5) Old-Fashioned Hair Care Tips: Brushing for Healthier Hair

6) Homemade Citrus Lavender Perfume

7) How to Braid Your Hair for Simple, Natural Waves Overnight

8) Dandelions Aren't Weeds

9) How and Why to Dry Your Own Herbs

10) Traditional Shoo Fly Pie Recipe

Goals for 2014

I just took a look back at my goals that I had posted last year at this time. I didn't meet all of them, but at least I met some of them 🙂

Last year's goals were:

1) Experiment with fermented food

2) Improve my green thumb

3) Learn more cooking skills

4) Start a blog carnival

5) Write a cookbook


I did successfully make a batch of fermented ginger carrots, but then I discovered a good source of traditionally fermented veggies like sauerkraut and pickled beets at the farmstand where I buy organic veggies and pastured eggs. Even though it might be cheaper to make my own, I really like the convenience of being able to save time and buy good quality fermented veggies.

My green thumb and garden still need a bit of work. At least now I've finally figured out which types of vegetables grow best in my yard and which ones not to bother with again this year. Part of the problem is all of the trees in my yard and in the neighbors' yards. With all of that shade, it's hard to get enough sunlight for a good garden. This year I'm going to focus on simplifying my garden and just growing the things I know can do well like peas, strawberries, lettuce, beans, and herbs.

I didn't really spend too much time trying to learn new cooking skills because I was so busy with everything else this year, but I did plenty of experimenting with new recipes, so if practice makes perfect, then I guess I can still count that toward meeting my goal 🙂

I met my goal of starting a new blog carnival. It's called Old-Fashioned Fridays, and it's a weekly link-up for sharing blog posts related to natural health, real food, etc. You can find it on my blog every Friday. (The post goes live Thursdays at 10 pm EST.)

I also met my goal of writing a cookbook this year. I put together a collection of some of my favorite old-fashioned recipes from my 19th century cookbooks, including breakfast foods, main dishes, side dishes, desserts, etc. 

Goals for 2014

Ok, time to set a few goals for 2014!

I want to keep things pretty simple this year, so I'm only going to set a few goals in the hopes of being able to keep all of them.

1) Get organized.

2) Learn to manage stress better.

3) Write more posts.

Goals number 1 and 2 kind of go hand-in-hand actually because I think that getting organized will really help me with learning to manage stress better.

This year I want to really focus on cleaning up my clutter and just being more organized in general. I'm pretty sure it would be a lot easier for me to keep my stress levels low if I weren't always rushing around running late for things and trying to find things that I've misplaced!

I also want to focus on writing more posts this year (which will be a lot more likely to happen if I'm more organized and less stressed, because the more time I have and the more relaxed I am, the more I'll be able to write.)

So, those are my three, simple goals for this year. Keep me accountable, everyone! And if you have any ideas for posts you'd like to see this year, please let me know in the comments below!


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The information in this post is not to be taken as medical advice and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.


Thursday 2nd of January 2014

Looking forward to reading in 2014. I just discovered your blog about a week ago, and I love it! I have been going back through and catching up on your old posts. Everything you writes resonates with me: it's like you're my twin or something!

Best wishes in the new year!


Friday 3rd of January 2014

Thanks so much, Nina! I'm so glad you stopped by! Best wishes for you too in the new year :)

Taylor-Made Ranch Homestead

Thursday 2nd of January 2014

Your 'Chocolate Superfood Frosting' was a game-changer for me this year - what an amazing recipe! I amended it slightly to use what I typically have in the pantry but thank you SO MUCH for sharing it! I love the other posts in this top 10 as well & I'll be sure to revisit them. One thing I'd suggest for your garden issue is to incorporate 'Edible Landscaping' into your flower beds on a sunnier side of the house. I'm not sure if you allow links in this comment section so if you're interested you can just go to my blog & search for edible landscaping & you'll see some examples. Easy & beautiful! (and EDIBLE)

~Taylor-Made Ranch~ Wolfe City, Texas


Friday 3rd of January 2014

I'm glad you liked the chocolate frosting recipe! I'm practically addicted to it :) I'll definitely have to look into edible landscaping too. I need all the gardening help I can get. Thanks!

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