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Do you live a healthy, balanced lifestyle, or is it possible that your lifestyle isn't actually as healthy as you think it is?
I created this quiz because that's an important question for us all to answer, no matter where you might be in your healthy living journey.
Whether you've been trying to live a healthier lifestyle for a while now and you feel like you at the "experienced" level, or whether you're just getting started on your healthy living journey, this quiz is a fun way to help you to see where you are at right now as well as help you to think about where you would like to be in the future.
Healthy Living Quiz
Read through the questions and answers below and choose which letter (A, B, C, or D) most closely describes you. I know it's tempting to pick the answer that is the one that you think you should choose or that you wish were true of you, but as much as you can try to be honest with yourself about which one truly does describes you the most accurately.
1) How often do you eat meals out rather than cooking at home?
- A) I eat almost every meal out at a restaurant or take-out, and I hardly ever cook my own food at home.
- B) I eat about one meal a day out and cook the others at home.
- C) I almost never eat food out and I cook the majority of my meals at home.
- D) I eat out occasionally just for fun or because it’s convenient but I cook most meals at home.
2) When you’re grocery shopping, do you check the ingredients on the foods you’re going to buy?
- A) No, I don’t bother checking ingredients.
- B) I usually check the calories or fat content on the labels, but I don’t usually check other ingredients.
- C) Always. I read labels carefully and check to make sure the ingredients are as natural as possible.
- D) I almost always check the ingredients, and I buy foods with natural ingredients most of the time, but once in a while I'll splurge on something a little less natural.
3) How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
- A) I usually get 5 or less hours of sleep a night.
- B) I usually get 6 hours of sleep.
- C) I usually get 7 hours of sleep.
- D) I usually get about 8 hours of sleep, sometimes more.
4) What sort of personal care products to you use? (Shampoo, lotion, makeup, etc.)
- A) I buy whatever products are convenient to get at a drugstore or grocery store, and I haven't checked to see if the ingredients are organic or natural.
- B) I try to use products that have some natural and/or organic ingredients, but they have some ingredients that are hard to pronounce, too.
- C) I make all of my own products with 100% natural ingredients even though it takes a lot of time to prepare them because I don't trust store bought products.
- D) I make some of my own products with natural and organic ingredients, and I buy some products that have the same quality ingredients as homemade.
5) How natural and organic is the food you eat?
- A) I love fast food, and I don't worry about trying to eat natural and organic. It hasn't killed me yet, so why bother changing my diet?
- B) I try to eat foods that are natural and organic, but there are still a lot of junk foods in my diet that I haven't found good substitutes for yet.
- C) I eat 100% natural and organic foods.
- D) I eat almost all natural and organic food but I let myself have a "cheat day" once in a while for holidays, parties, etc.
6) How active are you in a typical week?
- A) I’m a total couch potato and I almost never exercise.
- B) I exercise one or two days a week.
- C) I exercise every day without fail.
- D) I exercise most days of the week, but I take a day off if I’m really tired or busy.
7) What sort of cleaning products do you use?
- A) I buy whatever products are convenient to get at a drugstore or grocery store, and I haven’t checked to see if the ingredients are organic or natural.
- B) I try to use products that have some natural and/or organic ingredients, but they have some ingredients that are hard to pronounce, too.
- C) I make all of my own products with 100% natural ingredients even though it takes a lot of time to prepare them because I don’t trust store bought products.
- D) I make some of my own products with natural and organic ingredients, and I buy some products that have the same quality ingredients as homemade.
8) Does your day include any time for fun or creative activities?
- A) My schedule is so packed full that I don’t have time for doing much of anything fun or creative.
- B) I'm too busy during the week, but I try to make time for some fun and creative activities on the weekends.
- C) I try to make time for a little bit of fun each day, and I spend some time in the evenings watching TV.
- D) I try to fit at least a little bit of fun and creativity into each day, even if it's just for a short while.
9) How nutrient-dense is the food you eat?
- A) I eat mostly convenience foods like microwave meals, fast food, etc.
- B) I cook some meals at home, but I eat a lot of packaged snack foods like chips, crackers, cookies, etc.
- C) I eat mostly homemade food, but I don't have much variety in my diet, and I eat a lot of refined grains like white bread, pasta, pastries, etc.
- D) I eat a variety of organic whole foods which might include (depending on individual diet preferences): fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, dairy from grass-fed cows, and meat from pastured-raised animals.
10) How often do you make time to relax?
- A) Who has time to relax?! The only time I relax is when I’m asleep in bed.
- B) I'm too busy during the week to think about doing something relaxing, but I take some time off to rest on the weekends.
- C) On the days when my schedule is a little bit lighter, I try to find some time to relax, but that doesn't happen as often as I would like.
- D) I make finding time to relax a priority in my day, and even if I'm really busy, I set aside a little bit of time every day to do something that relaxes me, even if it's only for a short while.
How many A's did you get?
How many B's did you get?
How many C's did you get?
How many D's did you get?
Quiz Results
If you answered mostly A's...
You're on the path toward living a healthier lifestyle, but you're not as healthy as you'd like to be. Life keeps getting in the way, and it's hard to find the time to be healthier. And, even if you had all the time in the world, trying to live a healthier lifestyle can be very overwhelming at times, and it's hard to even know where to start. Every step in you've made in the right direction is still good progress, though, and small steps count, too!
If you answered mostly B's...
You've made several positive changes and you've made some good progress on your journey toward living a healthier lifestyle. You're still not quite as far along on that journey as you'd like to be, though, and you know that you still have a little ways to go before your lifestyle is as healthy as you want it to be. The good news, though, is that you've already come so far from how your lifestyle used to be, and you've made a lot of steps in the right direction!
If you answered mostly C's...
You've made a lot of positive changes and you're well on your way toward living a healthier lifestyle! It's possible, though, that some of the things you're doing that you think are healthy, might not actually be as healthy as they seem. A big part of living a healthy lifestyle, is balance, and your healthy living habits might not be as balanced as they could be. The good new is, though, that you've already come so far on your healthy living journey, and all you need is a few tweaks to live a more balanced healthy lifestyle.
If you answered mostly D's...
You've made a lot of positive changes in your lifestyle, and you live a very healthy life! You know how to make good choices when it comes to your health, and you make your healthy lifestyle a priority. It's important, though, to make sure that you continue to approach your healthy lifestyle in a balanced way, because even the healthiest people can easily let things get out of balance in their attempt to achieve a higher level of health.

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The information in this post is not to be taken as medical advice and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.
Michelle Danielson
Wednesday 21st of June 2017
This is fantastic Lori. I always look forward to receiving an email about a new post from you! I took the quiz, and I didn't do too bad at all. I've been working on better self care over the last year, and it can be more challenging than one might think to change poor self care habits. I have five children ranging in age from 16 down to five, and have been married for 11 years. There has been a lot of sacrifice of self care that has happened with m over the years. As I am getting ready to enter into my 40th year of life, I find that I am desiring to live these next 40 years with more joy and better self care than I have the first 40. I also really enjoyed the 10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Health download. You are just such a blessing Lori! Thank you for all the thoughtfulness that you put into each post. God bless you!
Thursday 22nd of June 2017
Thank you so much for your kind words, Michelle! They were a real encouragement to me :) That's great to hear that you got a good score on the quiz and have been working on better self care this year. I can only imagine how hard self care must be with five young children!!! I have a hard enough time trying to stick to my self care goals, and I don't even have any children, so the fact that you're making the effort to improve your self care while taking care of five children is pretty amazing! :)