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DIY Herbal Tallow Hand Salve

Tin of tallow hand salve on a wooden table with a blue China plate next to it with assorted herbs and a small bowl of beeswax pellets beside it with scattered herbs and beeswax pellets on the table.

How to Dye Yarn with Berries

Ball of pale pink yarn and a scarf knitted with the same color yarn.

Homemade Citrus Lavender Perfume

Tin of homemade perfume on a lace doily with a sliced lemon and lavender flowers.

How to Blend Your Own Custom Perfume Scent

Bottle of perfume on a table with pink flowers and a pale blue background.

Victorian Homemade Tinted Lip Balm

Tin of pink homemade tinted lip balm on a table.



4 Times When It's Best NOT to DIY

Bar of soap with honey stirrer and flowers on a blue background.


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