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Heirloom Seeds

Heirloom Seeds

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I love growing heirloom plants in my garden, but when it comes to finding heirloom seeds, they can be harder to find than the hybrid seeds are.

You can find hybrid seeds at just about any hardware store, garden center, or even sometimes at the grocery store. Heirloom seeds, though, can be a lot more difficult to find.

The easiest place to find them is usually online, and the company I recommend, especially for beginner gardeners, is

All of their seeds are non-GMO, non-hybridized, and untreated, so they are a good addition to your organic garden. Their seeds are also open-pollinated (which means that you can save the seeds to plant again in your garden next year.)


Here are a few more things I really like about this company:

  • They have lots of information guides for planting your seeds and growing your garden. (You can find those here.)
  • They offer smaller sample seed packs so you can try a new variety to see if you like it.
  • You can earn rewards points for discounts and free shipping, and they also have giveaways and contests, too, so that's a fun extra.
  • Their seeds are categorized by "personalities" so it's easy to tell which seed varieties will work well with your particular garden.


If you're trying to decide what kind of heirlooms you want to plant your garden, a few that I've really enjoyed are Kentucky wonder pole beans, Scarlet Runner beans (the red flowers are gorgeous!), Brandywine tomatoes, Cherokee purple tomatoes, and White Boston butterhead lettuce.  Of course, all the varieties are great, so pick whatever you and your family like to eat!




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