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Why I Stopped Using an Antiperspirant

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Woman applying deodorant to her underarm.

At the risk of sounding like I don't have good hygiene habits, I'm going to admit to the fact that I've stopped using antiperspirant.

Not to worry, though. I still take showers, and I still wear deodorant, just not antiperspirant.

Until just recently, I never even thought about the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant. For years, I had always just used the same drugstore brand that my mother used, and I never thought much about what was in it.

What's Wrong with Antiperspirants?

Now that I know more about what's actually in many antiperspirants, though, I've chosen not to use them anymore.

Most antiperspirants have an aluminum-based active ingredient to close up the pores to prevent sweating. Even if there might not be enough evidence to prove that aluminum is linked to Alzheimer's and cancer, I would rather be safe than sorry. And is all that aluminum something I really want to be putting into my body anyways? Probably not. And then there's the fact that a lot of antiperspirants also have other questionable ingredients such as parabens, propylene glycol, preservatives, and artificial fragrances.

I also don't really think it's the best idea to try to close up the pores on our underarms to prevent sweating the way most antiperspirants are formulated to do. Since I believe that God designed out bodies to cool down and to release toxins through sweat, I don't think it's really a good idea to be messing around with that process.

It's funny, though, because a lot of the time, it seems like the more you try to stop your body from sweating by slathering on an antiperspirant, the more your body overcompensates for it by producing even more sweat. I've found myself that by not using the antiperspirant anymore, I actually sweat less than I used to because my body has been able to find more of a balance again.

What About B.O.?

Of course, nobody wants to walk around smelling like they haven't taken a shower in a month. That's where deodorants come in. Natural deodorants can keep you smelling fresh and clean without all of the nasty chemicals.

Once I had decided to stop using antiperspirants, I tried a couple of different natural deodorant options. Unfortunately, most of them were pretty expensive and not all of them worked very well either. That's not to say that there aren't any good store bought natural deodorant options out there. I just found something that works better for me.

What's the Solution?

The cheapest, simplest, and the most effective natural deodorant I've tried, is a homemade one using baking soda, coconut oil, arrowroot powder, and essential oils for fragrance. I haven't done the math to figure out the exact cost, but since the ingredients listed will make several batches and since each batch will last for quite a while, it's much more economical than the store bought ones.

This is the homemade deodorant recipe I've been using to make my DIY deodorant. I reduced the amount of baking soda a bit to make it better for sensitive skin, and my favorite blend of essential oils to use is a mix of lavender and orange or lavender and bergamot, but you can use whichever oils are your favorite. 

There are lots of great homemade deodorant variations out there. Here are some other ideas to try:

Homemade Deodorant for Sensitive Skin by Oh Lardy

How to Make DIY Natural Deodorant for Sensitive Skin by Better Mind Body Soul

Homemade Natural Coconut Oil Deodorant by The Prairie Homestead

DIY Spray Deodorant by Kula Mama

Have you made the switch yet from drugstore antiperspirants to natural deodorants?

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Woman applying deodorant to her underarm.


This post is linked to Make a Move Monday at Simply Made Home and Fight Back Friday at Food Renegade.

(We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.)

The information in this post is not to be taken as medical advice and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

Deodorant – Living Naturally

Friday 3rd of February 2017

[…] is a recipe for a natural deodorant that I found from this blog I think it works pretty effectively I’m not very sweaty so I’m not sure if it would be […]


Sunday 7th of February 2016

I've discovered magnesium oil works wonders as an underarm deodorant. I just spritz a couple sprays under my armpits every morning. I use this one:

I'm a nursing mama right now, so of course I normally have pretty strong hormonal BO. The magnesium oil just absorbs into the skin like there is nothing there at all, so no more white streaks on dark clothes. Yay!


Friday 8th of January 2016

Hi! All y'all have said has been about the hyperhidrosis that has to do with armpits, nobody has made mention of the one that has to do with hands and feet. Does anyone knows any natural way of stopping/reducing it? (I sweat a lot in my hands and feet)


Saturday 25th of July 2015

Will this homemade deodorant stain my clothes?


Saturday 25th of July 2015

I've been using this for a couple of years now and haven't had any problems with it so far. Of course, there's always a chance with any deodorant that it might stain clothes, and I can't absolutely guarantee that it won't, but it's pretty unlikely that this recipe will. A little of it goes a long way, so you only need to apply a thin layer of it, and having a thinner layer of it will reduce chances of it staining every further. Basically you just want your underarms to be dry when you put on your clothes rather than wet with a thick layer of deodorant. By using a thin layer of this recipe, my clothes have stayed stain-free for the past couple years.


Wednesday 26th of November 2014

I have/had hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and I even had to take the max dose of an oral unhealthy medication to try to stop it. I'm not anti-pharmaceutical either. Like everyone else is saying, I drenched my shirts under the arms and also major pools under my breasts, had to wear layers to soak it up. I think my body tried to reroute my sweat to come out under there. My hair was always wet too. Even 30 seconds after scrubbing under my arms in the shower with several soaps, I still smelled like sweat. Then I had a toxic mold exposure and had to start detoxing my body. I chose a natural deodorant (Tom's)and it was yuck for me. Then I tried another and it helped. My sweating and sweat smell immediately decreased. I could not believe it! It's Green Tidings, and has good Amazon reviews. If you look at the ingredients, you can make a variation at home yoursef. Anyway, now I only use coconut oil and baking soda. I'm no longer drenched. Seriously. The thought of doing only that seemed absolutely ridiculous. I was wrong. I joked that I had been putting on sweat scented antiperspirant for years. I wasn't very into natural things bc I didn't think they were strong enough for me but even the coconut oil alone by itself makes a huge difference!! Huge. Huge. Lastly, when I dabbed under my arms with alcohol, I could taste it wafting internally through my mouth. Decided that wasn't a great sign. It's worth a shot to try going natural for a few days at home alone. Some people need a few days to adjust. The grosser my diet is like processed foods and sugar, the more I smell like sweat. Surprised me.

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