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Pros and Cons of Keeping Backyard Chickens in the Suburbs

Close up of a black and white striped chicken looking at the camera.

My Big Mistake with Using Chicken Manure In My Garden

Picture of squash plant on the left and picture of a black and white striped chicken on the right with text overlay "My Big Mistake with Using Chicken Manure In My Garden."

Pros and Cons of Putting Chickens In Your Garden

Brown and white speckled chicken scratching at the ground with a black and white chicken and a black chicken in the background.

How Many Eggs Will Three Backyard Chickens Lay In A Year?

A black and white chicken, a black and gold chicken, and a brown speckled chicken all eating a cob of corn with some sedum plants in the background.

Does Having Backyard Chickens Actually Save You Money on Eggs?

Black and white striped chicken walking on the grass with a text overlay that says "Does Having Backyard Chickens Save Money on Eggs?"
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